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Beat The Dealer At Blackjack

You may be surprised to know that that Blackjack is the only game that casinos offer in which the blackjack player can beat the dealer in the long term. Though this might be an often repeated fact but the only way by which you can have a moderate advantage over the dealer is that you should count the cards that are remaining in the shoe. Placing bets that vary and making an astute judgment of when to stay or to buy, to double or to split is extremely important.

Now when you are told all these strategies you might wonder why casinos would offer the game of blackjack when the player of blackjack can beat the dealer. Well! The answer to this is very simple very few people actually know how it works. For this reason the keep losing money and the casinos continue to flourish.

Most of the casinos are aware that the few who know the rules and are capable of beating the dealer do not matter. In order to have a slight advantage over the blackjack dealer you have to keep a track ogf the cards that are already gone. Please remember that the only way you can win at blackjack in the long term is by counting the cards.

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