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How to increase your winnings at casino video poker

Video poker is currently one of the most popular casino games. You can not notice the video poker machines always occupied by serious individuals that seem to play a tough game all the time. Casino video poker it is so popular because is one of the most strategic casino games. Just like blackjack, where with the right strategy you can literally beat the house, video poker can be very profitable if you know how to play it right.

The rules of the game are quite simple and easy to follow. The player nets one to five coins and receives five cards. Then, the player selects which cards to hold and which cards to discard in order to receive others. After the player gets the new cards, the value of the hand is calculated and the player is paid the corresponding amount of money.

The casino video poker has some solid advantages: you have no opponent, it’s a skill game and it can bring huge winnings. Yet it’s not that easy to win at video poker.

A major mistake for video poker players is to play at inferior paying machines. The same game played at the highest level paying machines would bring you much more money. So the first step is to look only for the machines with the higher paying rates.

The general casino poker strategies do not work for video poker. Look for the specific video poker strategies that are especially developed according to the game’s particularities. Once you picked a strategy stick to it. Do not break it just because you think you know better. Most video poker strategies are based on statistics and the statistics is never wrong.

A good tip for video poker is to always bet the maximum coins. By doing so, you will always receive the largest possible payment for your winning hand, having the chance of winning huge amounts of money.

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